Crime situation pictures
The annual situation reports compiled by the LKA NRW provide additional information on the development of crime in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Situation reports are used to document the results of the police's fight against crime in selected phenomenon areas on an annual basis. On the basis of a nationally coordinated survey procedure and uniform definition criteria, statistical data and exemplary case presentations are used to highlight both recognized hotspots of criminal activity and focal points of police investigative activity. Unless otherwise stated, the figures in brackets in the text refer to the corresponding figures from the previous year.

The situation report is intended to support police and political decision-makers in assessing the risk and damage potential of a phenomenon area and its significance for the crime situation in North Rhine-Westphalia. At the same time, it serves to inform the public.In addition to the NRW police crime statistics, the LKA NRW produces the following annual situation reports:

Domestic violence
A total of 30,759 cases of domestic violence were recorded in North Rhine-Westphalia in 2021. This corresponds to an increase of 5.5% compared to the previous year.
Partnership violence
Victims of intimate partner violence often feel that their situation is hopeless. Seek professional help to get support on the way out of the violence. In acute violent situations, call the emergency number 110.
Juvenile delinquency
The situation report on juvenile delinquency and youth endangerment in NRW shows the development of juvenile delinquency and youth endangerment in a two- and ten-year comparison.
Organized crime,
Human trafficking and drugs
  • Alongside money laundering, property crime and violent crime, international drug trafficking is by far the most important field of activity for OC groups.
    Human trafficking is a serious violation of human dignity, often resulting in traumatization of the victims.
    The situation report provides information on the situation and development of drug-related crime in North Rhine-Westphalia. It includes all offenses directly related to narcotics and direct drug-related crime. This includes offenses under the Narcotics Act (§§ 29 to 30a BtMG), the New Psychoactive Substances Act (§ 4 NpSG) and under the Criminal Code (StGB) if they are committed for the direct acquisition of narcotics (BtM). Traffic offenses in connection with the consumption of narcotics are also shown.
Clan crime
The fight against clan crime is set out as an important security policy goal in the state government's 2017 - 2022 coalition agreement.
Financial investigations,
White-collar crime and corruption
Short-time work, quarantine, the childcare situation, working from home and other pandemic-related adjustments meant that large parts of the population spent significantly more time using online services. Many businesses were only able to offer their goods and services online at times. This also had an impact on criminal activity, which is reflected in the increased number of cybercrime cases.
against police officers
The situation report "Violence against police officers (PVB)" includes all reported cases in which police officers have been victims of violence in the course of their professional duties.
Translated with (pro version)
In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110